Do You Have Questions?
Below you'll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

What grades does BPA serve?
BPA serves K5-7th grade. The school will strive to add an additional grade level through 8th grade annually.Is BPA a private school or public school?
Neither. BPA is a free public charter school.What is the cost of tuition?
There is no tuition for Belton Preparatory Academy. BPA is a free public charter school.Who can attend?
Anyone in the state of South Carolina can attend free. There are no attendance boundaries. Students do not have to reside in Anderson School District #2 to enroll. By law, charter schools can never have selective admissions. If, however, more students apply than there are seats available, a lottery is held to determine who is admitted.How can I apply?
Applications are accepted each year beginning November 1st through February 1st. Any applications received after February 1st will be added to the waiting list (or enrollment list if openings remain) in the order in which they are received. The online application may be accessed at are the school hours?
School hours are 8:00am - 2:45pm. Students may be dropped off at 7:30 am.Is there afterschool care?
There is no afterschool program available.Is transportation provided?
No. Parents/Guardians must arrange student transportation to and from school.Is lunch provided?
No. Students must bring their own lunch.Is there a school uniform?
Yes, we are an uniform school. Please see Dress Code.
What curriculum is used?
BPA uses Core Knowledge Language Arts and Eureka Math.How much homework should be expected?
We believe in a work/life balance for our students. Homework is not required. We encourage time spent reading alone or with an adult each night, which should include an additional 10 minutes at a minimum.At the middle school level, students are encouraged to study their notes, vocabulary, and study guides each night. Students are encouraged to read each night and review previous and current math skills.